Functioning HSL is essential for students’ everyday life
World Student Capital – Students of the Capital Region is worried about the financial
challenges faced by the Helsinki Region Transport (HSL) joint local authority as well as the
effects these challenges have on public transport services in the Capital Region. HSL has
stated that it has been hard hit with financial challenges due to the pandemic and increased
fuel prizes. As a result, the threat of service level reductions or ticket price increases is now
high. The student discount was reduced in 2019 in connection with changes to the discount terms.
Estimated costs were stated as grounds for the reduction but verifying this has not been possible because of the pandemic. The reduced discount percentage became permanent
after the pandemic era, while the general level of ticket prices continues to increase. 
In a time of environmental crises, lowering the service level of public transport does not
make sense. It will not help restore passenger numbers to their previous levels either, and
nor will increasing ticket prices. Supporting public transport is also a question of students’
subsistence. Even a small increase in the prices has a major impact on students’ already
tight budgets. Despite this, HSL tickets are essential to many students, as everyone cannot
get an apartment near their campus – while life is rarely confined to the immediate vicinity of
campuses anyway. The WSC has been very satisfied that the municipalities and HSL have been willing to invest
in the development of infrastructure and work towards reducing emissions in public
transport. When this is combined with the fact that passenger numbers have not returned to
their previous levels after the pandemic, we understand the municipalities’ and HSL’s
predicament. For this reason, we demand that the state support public transport to ensure its
quality and continuity in the future, too. Affordable, high-quality public transport is essential
for everyday student life.